Your car will look brand new by following these easy car detailing techniques you can perform yourself.
To neutralize the smoke from tobacco, purchase an aerosol bottle made of Dakota Non-Smoke. While holding the can between 12 and 14 inches away from other fabrics, lightly spray at the top of your head (don't let it soak) and door panels, seats and carpet. Turn the fan on up to maximum and switch the system to recirculate the mode ("max. A/C" in case you don't have this option). Find the intake hole by holding a tissue close to the motor of the blower. Spray the mist through the opening. Close the windows for a minimum of one hour. The car will have a baby-like smell for a short time, but it'll fade and disappear. You may also replace the air filter in your car once you've done this.
Have you noticed the streak of dirt that appears on the windows' tops when they're closed partially? The majority of people do not pay attention to this issue when they give their car an easy clean. Just a few minutes using Windex and an abrasive clean is all it requires.
It might sound harsh; however, if you have leather upholstery, you should purchase an upholstery-cleaning kit and store it in the car (one manufacturer includes Leather Master Leather Care Kit, which comes with an Ink Lifter). If you get rid of the spill immediately, you will increase the chances of having a thorough clean-up. If you leave it, the lipstick, ink, and dye transfer from clothes (and plastic bags for shopping) will set within 24 hours. Treat your leather using a conditioning agent prior to when you begin the process of removing the stain. Clean the ink lifter on the leather that has been treated and then rub it into it. Allow it to rest for 30 seconds, then wipe it off with a clean, dry cloth. Then, apply the leather cleaner as well as the protection cream.
Clean the hinge with a clean cloth and apply white lithium grease or just a couple of drops of regular motor oil. Repeat the motion of the hinge to get the grease to the hinge. Be sure to work it on the two sides of the hinge. Remove any excess and stop it from collecting debris.
If you blow up your paint dry by using soapy water, grind the dust from the surface and road grit in your paint finish. Professional detailers begin with a clean water rinse to get rid of the dirt and dust as they can.
Many people mistakenly think that polishing is the same as waxing. However, they're two distinct steps. Polishing eliminates minor surface imperfections and scratches and then buffs the surface to give it a shiny finish. Waxing increases the gloss and shields the finish by shielding it from the elements. Many DIYers don't polish as they don't want to spend the money to purchase polishers or elbow grease needed to hand polish. But polishing your car's finish is essential to get the most polished finish (pros don't skip polishing). Apply a small amount of polish on the pad and use the pad to wipe it across two feet. Use the polisher at a slower pace to distribute the compound across all of the areas to provide the most effective car cleaner. After that, increase the speed and let the machine do the job for you.