Your favorite vehicle is cleaned. It's shiny and beautiful. Then, something unexpected happens. You realize that there was bird poop on your car, and it's very visible. What can you do to stop birds from pooping on your vehicle?
Have you ever had this happen to you? It's not pleasant at all. If you're near a lake, beach, or river, then you'll be faced with this problem repeatedly over.
In reality, in the event that you don't take action, this could happen to your beloved set of wheels. Here are some suggestions to prevent birds from pooping onto your car.
Parking your car in trees is like asking birds to poop on it. Birds refuge in the trees. They will often stop at trees for a peaceful rest before they continue their journey.
The tree is an ideal location to park a car because its shade can help keep elements out. But trees don't ensure the safety of your car from bird poop. If you have your vehicle parked beneath trees, don't be upset when you see bird poop on it.
The results of a study show that birds consider a certain color appealing. The color that they prefer is red. Therefore, if your vehicle is painted red, don't be shocked to find bird droppings on it more frequently than other vehicles.
The best part is that we've found some incredible methods to stop birds from dropping their waste onto your vehicle.
But keep in mind that no technique is better than another. Keep trying different methods and find the one that is effective for your birds in your zone code.
This is the simplest way to keep birds' poop from hitting your vehicle. If you are fortunate enough to have the privilege to park in garages, ensure that you park there each time you are able to.
A covered porch, carport, or any other overhead structure can also assist in this particular issue.
Have you noticed scratches on your mirrors recently? It could be the work of your children or even birds. They might struggle with the mirror and think they're fighting male intruders and not realize it's their reflection.
Birds also love pooping on mirrors on the side. Make sure you cover them when you intend to park your vehicle for a long duration. It is possible to use bags made of plastic, a sock, and even cardboard.
A majority of people enjoy parking their cars at the edges of buildings. If you're among these people, you should quit doing it. Birds may poop on your car when you're on the edge.
Car covers can stop birds from using the bathroom in your car when it's not being used.
You can find them at a reasonable price on the internet or at any department store near you. Be sure to purchase one constructed of a strong material such as vinyl or nylon and comes with a UV-protective coating.